
Linux is a versatile operating system, which was first created by Linus Torvalds in 1991. Several desktop and server flavors have been developed since its release. There are many reasons Linux has become so popular, including its cost-effectiveness and its ability to customize computers as users see fit. It’s also increased in popularity because of increased accessibility as well as the Internet as a whole. Linux is resistant to many viruses. A virus will not readily infect a Linux computer because there are no executable binaries of applications stored on the computer’s file system. This also means that Linux doesn’t have any resident programs that are always running in the background of your computer. These are sometimes called “daemons”. 

Linux is not as widely used today on desktops due to changes in hardware companies’ standards; however, it still plays an essential role on the Internet, with over 54% of all web servers running on Linux and around 20% of websites utilizing it for production purposes. Linux is an open-source operating system, which means the code is available to the public, allowing users to alter it for their uses. This is possible because of copyleft licensing. Linux is an operating system (OS) with many benefits, but its biggest strength lies in its freedom. It is easy to install and run with a powerful, open-source platform. Linux can be an excellent computer for beginners who want to start in the IT field without making a significant financial commitment. When it comes to gaming, Linux has some of the most popular games available on PC and mobile platforms, such as Minecraft and CrossFire.

Distributions of Linux

Several different distributions are available, including Ubuntu, Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and OpenSUSE. Some have different aims and features which may affect the way it’s used.


Ubuntu was launched in 2004 by Mark Shuttleworth to encourage more ordinary home users to use Linux on their desktops. Freely downloadable discs are offered via retailers or through Canonical Ltd – Ubuntu’s parent company – if buyers have not found an alternative, they are willing to use it at no cost.


Fedora aims to create a platform that can be used by corporations to provide Linux services. They do this by creating complete distributions for popular servers and desktop computing platforms, including the “big three” – Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, and Oracle Solaris. Fedora is sold at low prices to take the burden off of the corporations it serves.

Red Hat

Red Hat Enterprise Linux distributions are built on RHEL but are targeted at enterprise users. It’s possible to get RHEL for free if you work for a large corporation; however, distributions targeting small businesses may not be available.

Oracle Solaris

Oracle Solaris is an operating system developed by Oracle Corporation to run on their database, database servers, and operating systems in general.

How to Install Linux?

To prepare the machine for a Linux installation, you need to create a bootable USB flash drive or a CD with a boot image. For this purpose, one can use command-line tools such as dmg2img, which is included in OS X, or the dd utility from Linux. Once the media have been prepared, you may launch the installer from it. In OS X, this can be achieved by holding Option during startup and selecting it from the list of available drives. In Linux systems that do not support this feature, it is required to adjust BIOS boot order to prefer CD-ROM drives over hard drives.

Benefits of Linux

The benefits of Linux include:

  • Low cost: you can download and install it for free, and it does not require expensive hardware like Microsoft Windows.
  • Many pre-installed programs like LibreOffice and Avast Antivirus software. These programs also come with added features and competitive pricing. 
  • Ease of use: Linux has a simple user interface that makes navigating through your computer more easily than with Windows, making it more appealing to novice computer users.
  • Secure: Linux has excellent security because it is open source.
  • Reproducibility: The code for Linux is available for anyone to review and use. This means that if you need support for a problem, you can contact the original author directly.
  • Extended Hardware: Linux offers unique hardware support compared to Microsoft Windows because of its open-source code structure. This ultimately gives users access to more capabilities because these advances in technology were not available to Windows users until recently.

Benefits of using Linux include increased hardware compatibility, improved performance, security, and saving money on software licensing fees by not buying a Windows license.

Drawbacks of Linux

  • Linux has a steep learning curve for new users. There is no default desktop environment, and users must adhere to a different layout standard because the desktop is not divided into a separate file manager. Also, software installation can be more complex than with Windows.
  • Applications vary from distro to distro; while the basic system will be the same, the program offerings may differ greatly from one Linux distro to another. This could be problematic for users who have specific needs or desires for programs to be installed on their systems.
  • One of Linux’s drawbacks is that it does not have a graphical user interface (GUI), which makes it difficult for new users to configure their machines without help from IT professionals or tutorials online.
  • Linux does not come with anti-virus software pre-installed.


Linux is a good operating system, but it requires more effort, time, and commitment to learning it. I think that’s why Linux isn’t very popular among users, who just want to use a laptop or computer for simple tasks.

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